New Liquidity Mining Period & Rewards for Homora V2 on Optimism

Moving forward, the LM period on Optimism will be determined based on the utilization rate. For now, the next period will run from December 8th - December 15th, 2022. If there are any updates, users can always refer to our gitbook for the most updated detail.
We are expecting the current LM period to run until: December 15th, 2022
Eligible lending pools:
- OP

The Optimism liquidity mining periods will have details as follow:
Note: The claimable period is one week after the liquidity mining period ends because it requires one week of processing time for the rewards. If you see that the rewards are claimable a few days before the claimable date, it means that our team has completed the processing time earlier than expected.
How to Claim Your Liquidity Mining Reward
Once rewards are available, users will be able to see them under “Your Position”. During each period, the accrued rewards will be displayed under “Pending IB Rewards” and converted to “Claimable IB Rewards” once the claimable date starts.
For full details on liquidity mining programs, users can refer to our documentation. To not miss any announcements, please make sure to follow our Twitter or join our Discord
About Alpha Venture DAO (Previously Alpha Finance Lab)
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