ALPHA & AVAX Rewards Allocation Starts Now

Alpha has joined hands with Avalanche to allocate $6 million ALPHA and AVAX rewards for lenders on Alpha Homora V2 on Avalanche ($3M in AVAX and $3M in ALPHA).
The time has come for the first incentive rewards for Alpha Homora V2 on Avalanche.
The rewards will begin allocating on December 2nd, 8AM UTC. Similar to the liquidity mining period on Alpha Homora V2 and V1 on Ethereum and BSC network, the rewards will be calculated on a bi-weekly basis (14 days) with 1 week to process before claiming (With exception: 13 days for the period December 2nd - December 15th).
What This Means
If you start lending assets on Alpha Homora V2 on Avalanche on December 2nd, 8AM UTC, onwards then the following dates for rewards calculation and allocation are:
🧮️ December 2nd, 8AM UTC - December 15th, 8AM UTC: Liquidity Mining Period 1 (LM1)
💵 December 22nd: Rewards from LM1 allocate to Your Position page
🧮️ December 15th, 8AM UTC - December 29th, 8AM UTC: Liquidity Mining Period 2 (LM2)
💵 January 5th: Rewards from LM2 allocate to Your Position page
Alpha Homora V2 on Avalanche: New Liquidity Mining Period
The new liquidity mining period is from December 2nd, 8AM UTC - December 15th, 8AM UTC.
During this period on Alpha Homora V2 on Avalanche:
670,000 ALPHA and 5,500 AVAX will be distributed between to the following eligible users:
- 55.6% to AVAX lenders
Users will receive Rush rewards proportionately to the value of AVAX they lend vs. the total value of AVAX lent on Alpha Homora V2.
- 43.6% to Stable Coin lenders (USDT.e, USDC.e, DAI.e)
Users will receive Rush rewards proportionately to the value of Stable Coin they lend vs. the total value of Stable Coin lent on Alpha Homora V2.
- 0.8% to ‘other tokens’ lenders (WETH.e, WBTC.e)
Users will receive Rush rewards proportionately to the value of ‘other tokens’ they lend vs. the total value of ‘other tokens’ lent on Alpha Homora V2.
When to claim Rush rewards:
Liquidity Mining Period (December 2nd - December 15th): Claimable on December 22nd
Liquidity Mining Period
The element of bi-weekly calculation with a 1 week reward process is necessary to ensure the accuracy of reward allocation to Alpha Homora V2 and V1 users.
About Alpha Finance Lab
Alpha Finance Lab is a blockchain Lab, and on a mission to build Alpha Universe. Alpha Universe includes the DeFi Alpha ecosystem(Alpha Homora, AlphaX), Alpha Metaverse (Alpha Buy Wall, Provably Rare Gems), and Alpha Launchpad (incubator program).Join our Telegram/Discord for the latest updates, follow us on Twitter, or read more about us on our Blog and Document!