Alpha Launchpad Website & Application Process Are Live

Alpha Launchpad Website & Application Process Are Live

Alpha Launchpad website and the application process are officially live!

Alpha Launchpad Summary

Alpha Launchpad DeFi incubator program is the first and only launchpad program created by builders for builders.

Alpha Launchpad is also the only launchpad program that focuses on incubating DeFi projects from the ground up and driving significant growth post-launch.

In a nutshell, Alpha Launchpad will:

๐Ÿ‘‰ multiply value accrual to ALPHA stakers ๐Ÿ’ธ

๐Ÿ‘‰ grow the Alpha Universe ๐ŸŒŽ

๐Ÿ‘‰ build key building blocks in DeFi ๐Ÿ”ง

๐Ÿ‘‰ grow talent and developer mindshare ๐Ÿ‘ฉโ€๐Ÿ’ป

Application Process

Who can apply?

Any developer or early DeFi project team can apply to the Alpha Launchpad program. It is never too early to apply. Even if you have not formed a team or finalized your product idea yet, Alpha Launchpad is here to help incubate from ground zero to a successful launch.

How to apply?

Email us at with the following details:

โ†’ The project/product detail

โ†’ Team background and experience

โ†’ Synergy the project brings to Alpha ecosystem

โ†’ Answers to confirm the hard requirement outlined on below


Developers and DeFi projects that apply should not be anonymous. This is so that Alpha Launchpad can perform a thorough due diligence on the team. Additionally, the product should be at a pre-mainnet stage, and the token should not be live yet.

Next steps after applying

Once applied, Alpha core development team will evaluate team background and experience, product idea, and synergy the project brings to the Alpha ecosystem before getting back to the developer or the DeFi project on next steps.

For the full detail on the due diligence process, check our website out!

About Alpha Finance Lab

Alpha Finance Lab is a DeFi Lab. Alpha Finance Lab is building the Alpha Universe. Alpha Universe includes the Alpha ecosystem, which consists of Alpha products that interoperate to maximize returns while minimizing risks for users, and other ecosystems incubated through the Alpha Launchpad incubator program.

Alpha Homora is Alpha Finance Labโ€™s first product and DeFiโ€™s first leveraged yield farming product that also captures the market gap in lending, one of the key pillars of the financial system.

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