Let Us Learn More About You

Good Morning or good evening fellow builders of tomorrow! In about 3 weeks, the world will see your amazing innovation (January 31, 2022). Are you ready to transform the face of the blockchain landscape? As the deadline is coming to a close, we would like to acquire all the participating teams’ ideas and progress thus far. We have provided both the form for you to fill in your project’s information and the guidance from the Alpha Dev team who will also be the judges on January 31, 2022.
Fill in Your Project’s Information ✍️
As mentioned in our Alpha Hackathon blog, your final product needs to answer the market demand and appeal towards ALPHA products users. In other words, your project will be judged by ALPHA stakers through snapshot voting, making up 10 out of 60 points. Each ALPHA staker, depending on the amount of ALPHA staked on Alpha Tokenomics, can vote on the project they like the most. The form below will be a chance for you and your team to showcase your product as well as elaborate on the story and ideas behind your project, so make the most out of it!
Fill in your project information here. 👈
Guidance from the Alpha Dev Team 🐺 👨💻
Sometimes when you have been building for a while, you can become lost from your own track and goal. Hence, we have prepared lists of recommendations from the Alpha judges on what they are looking for, so that you can do a self-check within your team.
Nipun Pitimanaaree (Co-Founder and Tech Lead)
I don’t really have a solid criteria on what I am looking for, but I do pay a lot of attention on creativity that pushes new ideas and innovations to the market and the blockchain landscape
Arin Trongsantipong (Head of Product)
The quality of the product, in my opinion, is a product that has good UX/UI. This is not only the appearance, but how easy it is for users to navigate and understand its functionality.
Try to focus on the unique selling of your product and make it shine, instead of focusing on multiple aspects and diluting the focal point.
Your Final Checklist Before Submitting 📝
☑️ Register your project on Avalanche x Moralis Hackathon website
☑️ Fill in your project’s details on the form
☑️ Access your work life balance
☑️ Exercise your mental and physical health
☑️ Be innovative and have fun!
Closing Thoughts
There is no wrong answer when it comes to building the future with Alpha Finance Lab. Be courageous and strong, construct your inspiration in reality with your own hands! We are on the same rocket and thus let’s shoot for the moon together! 🚀
About Alpha Finance Lab
Alpha Finance Lab is a blockchain Lab, and on a mission to build Alpha Universe. Alpha Universe includes the Alpha DeFi ecosystem (Alpha Homora, AlphaX), Alpha Metaverse (Alpha Buy Wall, Provably Rare Gems), and Alpha Launchpad (incubator program).
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