Monthly Summary July

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We have passed the first month of quarter 3, a time we relentlessly prepared our various launches in August. These include launching our new Alpha Build product, ZAAP, Alpha Incubate Demo Day, and the last but not the least, launching Homora on Optimism. There are many more achievements we have made in July, find out more about what is new on our 3 arms, Alpha Build, Alpha Incubate, and Alpha Contribute.
(OFFICE HOUR: Ask Us Anything [August 11th, at 11AM-12PM UTC] → More details below)
Today’s Front Page
ZAAP: Swiss Army Knife for Art Distributor
In less than a few weeks, we will be launching our next product ZAAP. You should already have seen many sneak peaks in the past, though today we will be releasing more details on why you should be watching this product if you are an artist.
ZAAP Studio Gives Artists a Better Understanding of Crypto Audiences
In order to launch your NFT collection successfully, you need to understand the NFT market overview. This is why ZAAP has prepared ZAAP Studio to allow artists on our platform to
to quickly browse the overview status of all of your collection (Dashboard page) or even dig deeper into small details, such as buyer demographic and customer distribution of a particular collection. It also offers artists marketing tools, such as the average buying volume of all NFT collections or the performance of the collection, to help them better strategize their pre and post launch procedure (Analytics page). We have no doubt that the data ZAAP provides can help traditional artists to catch up with the NFT market trend and launch a successful collection.
Artists Can Launch with Zero Technical Knowledge
Our goal for ZAAP is to help onboard artists from the traditional world to the blockchain industry. With this, using the platform will be effortless and require no crypto or programming knowledge, period. Artists will not face any difficulties maintaining and troubleshooting during and post launch.
Customizable Launch Method
NFT enthusiasts are aware of multiple ways an NFT project can launch its collection. Hence, ZAAP supplies artists with an abundant way of launching a collection. From raffling, whitelisting, free-minting, and many more, artists can choose the right way of launching that suits their project direction.
Follow ZAAP to get the latest news on this product!
Homora V2
Homora V2 Launching on Optimism
Have you seen our sneak peak? The long awaited days for Homora V2’s launch on Optimism is soon coming to an end! With the emerging L2 technology enabling faster and cheaper transactions with a more sustainable growth on Ethereum, it’s time for Homora V2 to join the party. Over the past few months, we have seen tremendous growth and opportunity for L2 DeFi projects. Homora V2 will scale and make leveraged yield farming more accessible and profitable, launching on top of Uniswap v3 as the first integrated DEX. Make sure to follow Homora’s Twitter Account to be the first to know which date we’ll be launching on.
Homora V2 Integration with Beethoven X
It’s been roughly a month since we added a new DEX on Homora V2 on Fantom. This was the first time Homora brought a 4 assets pool for users to leverage! If you missed out on the Twitter Spaces we had with FTM Alert and Beethoven X, you can now watch the replay on our Youtube channel. Which pool or DEX should we work with next? You can always use our feedback form to let us know your thoughts.
Homora V2 Weekly Digest
In the month of July, we have experimented with a new way to provide updates for the community through Weekly Digest. This is a short weekly post (usually on Fridays) where we will help provide the current pool highlights across all chains and summarize recent important announcements. Has this been helpful to you? Let us know through our Discord channel.
Debt Rebalancing Update
It’s been around a month since our first official update on debt rebalancing for Homora V2 on Ethereum. We’ve been working closely behind the scenes with Iron Bank to make sure we find the best solutions that will be best for all key stakeholders in the long run.
Here’s the latest update:
For the first phase, our first emphasis was to regain ETH utilization back to the optimal range for all users. To make this happen, we rebalanced partial undercollateralized loans in ETH to USDT and reinstated the interest rate on the loan to bring liquidity back in the lending pool.
Since then, we have been monitoring the lending pool closely and have seen the utilization rate decrease to an optimal range. Refer to the announcement here.
We started with around 11K ETH in undercollateralized loan and have rebalanced a partial amount of ETH to 3M worth of USDT. There were a total of 12 transactions, rebalancing at $250K each time. For those interested, you can track the rebalance here.
Rebalancing from ETH to USDT is only a one-time action, not an ongoing process that we will continue, and the one-time rebalancing process has already been completed.
Moving forward, we will continue to actively monitor the pools to prevent any situation that will impact users from happening again. Throughout the entire process, we continue to consult and discuss solutions together with Iron Bank to ensure it works out for all key stakeholders.
As for the undercollateralized loan, we have been and will continue to repay it as agreed from 20% of protocol fees. If utilization rate reaches a range that will impact users again, we will be sure to take actions accordingly.
*Note: The debt is referred to as undercollateralized loan because Iron Bank has an amount of ALPHA as collateral.
Alpha Incubate Demo Day
It’s almost the biggest time of the year for Alpha Incubate!
Demo Day is coming soon on August 24th, 2022! An exclusive event by Alpha Incubate for an invite-only audience of investors. See here for more details.
Note that seats are limited! If you don’t want to miss this opportunity to be the first to get access to our incubated projects, apply here now until August 23rd, 2022!
Our incubated projects have gone through 8 weeks of intensive mentorship by Alpha Networks to help them achieve their best quality and thereby expand the Web3 use cases in an effective and efficient way towards long-term growth.
Stay tuned to our Twitter channel for more details about the event!
New Incubated Project Announcement: Contango
Back to business, this month, Alpha Incubate has announced another incubated project, Contango, a decentralized exchange that brings expirable futures to DeFi without order books or liquidity pools. This is the first time that the well-known concept of future contracts in CeFi is entering the DeFi space, and we are proud to be a part of it!
ALPHA Stakers! Stay tuned for the benefits coming your way from the addition of Contango to the Alpha ecosystem!
Find out more about Contango here.
Listen to our AMA session with Contango here.
TiTi Testnet EventAnother great news is that our incubated project, TiTi Protocol, the first use-to-earn stablecoin, has finally launched their testnet! Join their ‘TiTi Testnet Championships’ campaign with a prize pool of $17,000 to reward community members now! More details can be found here.
Alpha Academy
As promised in our last monthly summary, we’ve published a podcast episode on ‘The Importance of UX/UI in DeFi’ with Owen Palmer, Head of Business Development at SpookySwap. Spookyswap was awarded for Best DApp and Best UX at the Fantom Developer Conference 2021. Hence, this is a great chance for builders, especially designers, to get UX/UI tips from successful projects like them. Listen to the episode here!
Don’t forget to subscribe to our Youtube Channel to stay updated with our ‘Company Building’ podcast series and stay tuned for our upcoming episodes!
Alpha Contribute
After the revamped in the beginning of July, the program gained around 10 new members to the club. This month, Alpha Contributor has been producing excellent projects for our ecosystem. To mention a few, our June Monthly Summary is now translated into 5 different languages, Russian, Indonesian, Thai, Chinese, and English. Besides, they also add an additional sticker set to our protocol collection. Special thanks and kudos to our experts: KeeratiW, Dimitry Stonyakin, Azkabarra, and Pattricia.
To learn more about the Alpha Contribute Program, get started here.
OFFICE HOUR: Ask Us Anything [August 11th, at 11AM-12PM UTC]
Drop your question on our Discord Office Hours channel about anything that you are unsure about and get an insightful answer back. We will answer all of your questions on August 11th, at 11AM-12PM UTC. See below to learn how to input your questions with 3 easy steps.
We will have office hours every month post our Monthly Summary. This is a way for us to be more transparent and offer our community more visibility in what we are doing.
Bonus Read:
- GF Tokens are available for claiming
- PSTAKE Tokens allocation ended
- SCB 10X Redefine Tomorrow 2022 (At time stamp 4:55:53)
- AMA Recap with Tascha (Co-Founder and Project Lead)
- Tascha going to Seoul, Korea for Korea Blockchain Week
See you next month!
This brings us to the end of this monthly summary. Please stay safe, and let’s hope we all make it together. See you again next month and never stop building!
About Alpha Venture DAO (Previously Alpha Finance Lab)
A Builders’ DAO. We explore and innovate at the fringes of Web3 and drive significant value to Web3 users, and ultimately, alpha returns to the Alpha community.Join our Telegram/Discord for the latest updates, follow us on Twitter, or read more about us on our Blog and Document!