September Monthly Summary

Hello Alpha Wolves community!
We hope that September was an awesome month for you. So many things have happened in the Alpha Universe, from launching a new type of content to a new product. Let’s rewind to see what happened last month.
The summary will be broken down into the following sections:
- BETA Finance Listed on Binance
- Alpha DeFi Ecosystem
• Alpha Homora
• AlphaX - Alpha Tokenomics
- Alpha Launchpad
- Alpha Metaverse
- Alpha Wolves Community
BETA Finance Listed on Binance
Alpha Launchpad’s first incubated project Beta Finance has been selected for the 21st Binance Launchpad project! This is also a huge milestone for Alpha Launchpad program, since it ensures that our process of vetting and consulting are able to produce high-quality projects that can really answer the market demand. The Beta Finance team exceeded all of our expectations and will continue to do so so in the future. Kudos to the Team!
Alpha DeFi Ecosystem
Follow the most updated news on the Alpha DeFi here.
Alpha Homora
We heard you and we decided to make it happen! The Alpha Homora V2 went under a revamped maintenance to increase its scalability. This was done so that Alpha Homora V2 can be launched on other chains and layer 2 solutions easily without creating any challenging technical work. With this and the results from community vote, we published a statement to confirm that Alpha Homora V2 will be launching on the Avalanche Chain.
In September, we also introduced and launched the new AlphaX on public testnet. AlphaX is the second product in Alpha DeFi ecosystem. This is an innovative way to profit from crypto volatility. When taking a look at the current derivative trading concepts applied on-chain, there are 2 main concepts 1) perpetual swaps (e.g. dYdX, Perpetual Protocol, etc.) 2) leverage tokens (e.g. ETH2xFLI by IndexCoop although not exactly a derivative). AlphaX combines the pros of both concepts while learning from the cons of each to create a completely new concept - Strike Tokens.
Strike Tokens is a completely new take on derivatives trading. Hence, it allows users to gain exposure to an asset by only asking these questions:
- Are you bullish or bearish in that particular asset?
- What do you think is the price floor (if you’re bullish) or ceiling (if bearish) of that asset? These price floor/price ceiling can be referred to as the strike price, and hence the concept name “Strike Tokens”.
For instance, assuming Alex wants to get exposure to 10 ETH, he will then go to AlphaX, thinking that ETH is on the bull run and feel that the price will not go below $1,500. With these answers in mind, he then buys 10 tokens of “ETH-1500”. That’s it! Now Alex has exposure to 10 ETH in a more capital-efficient way because he’s spending lower initial capital (ETH price - 1500) than if he were to actually buy 10 ETH on the market.
Incentive Program
Along with the testnet, we also offer our community a competition to win ALPHA airdrop to anyone who shares thoughts and analysis on AlphaX and design use cases for Strike tokens for making profit. This incentive program will be running until October 15, 2021, 2PM UTC.
Alpha Tokenomics
There are around 224M ALPHA currently staked on Alpha Tokenomics. This is a huge increase from 188M since the beginning of September, translating to 19% increase. To put in another context, 224M translates to 55.31% of the circulating supply. This shows how strong the Alpha Wolves community is, and how we will be launching to the moon together.
Alpha Launchpad
Follow the most updated news on Alpha Launchpad program here. In addition to the welcoming news for Beta Finance, the first Alpha Launchpad project, we also announced the second Launchpad project - pSTAKE.
The team has officially launched the uncapped pSTAKE Finance on the mainnet with full functionality for ATOM holders. pSTAKE is our second incubated Alpha Launchpad project that aims to offset the solidity of users’ staked assets. By staking on pSTAKE Finance, users can gain liquidity to their staked assets and therefore use them on other utility platforms, such as yield farming and lending to earn yields on top of the staking reward from pSTAKE protocol.
Read the full blog here.
Alpha Metaverse
Blockchain technology is growing and expanding each day, so it is necessarily for Alpha Finance Lab to grow along with to stay ahead in this industry. This led us to expand beyond DeFi and into the realms of the metaverse. As a blockchain lab, Alpha sees huge untapped potential and growth in the metaverse and its communities, hence we quickly expanded to capture the market gap in new segments on blockchain. In early September, we expanded our development team as a new team dedicated to building the Alpha Metaverse ecosystem, launching 3 products within the time period.
1. Alpha Buy Wall
Alpha Buy Wall (ABW) is a marketplace for NFT enthusiasts to either bid for the floor price of a certain NFT collection, or get instant liquidity on their NFT asset by selling to bidders on the ABW.
Don’t see your favorite NFT on here? We’re taking a poll, so cast your vote here, or you can make a new suggestion on the Alpha Forum here.
2. Provably Rare Gems (PRG)
Along with the ABW, Alpha Finance Lab also experimented with the NFT usability by creating the Provably Rare Gems together with Swit.eth to establish assets that can ‘literally’ be proven for their scarcity. This allows PRG to enter the gaming area, such that by acting as “boosting power” for games’ fundamental items. The team forecast that PRG gems can be initially used with Loot and Bloot NFTs so that they can boost these items when compatible games are created in the community space.
3. Summoner Market
Besides giving NFT assets liquidity and providing them with usability, the Alpha Team also created a marketplace for NFT assets that still haven't been traded anywhere in the blockchain landscape. Andre, the creator of Yearn Finance, launched his own RPG game, the #RarityManifested. This game is similar to an ordinary role-playing game but on the blockchain. It consists of users obtaining ‘summoners’ and leveling these characters to adventure or play around in the rarity world. Surprisingly, with all its traction, there was no marketplace to trade these summoners among the users. Unquestionably, this was also detected by the Alpha Team, thus they began creating this marketplace and deployed it on the Fantom Chain.
Alpha Wolves Community
Snapshot Voting
To decentralize our universe even more, Alpha Finance Lab published the first snapshot proposal to the Alpha Wolves community. The proposal includes whether “sALPHA should be distributed as liquidity mining rewards instead of ALPHA on Alpha Homora V1 & V2 on Ethereum”. The voting ended with more than 99.5% in favor of this proposal. So the next step is to implement this change by distributing sALPHA as liquidity mining rewards instead of ALPHA for Alpha Homora V1 & V2 on Ethereum users.
Twitter Spaces
We know that the majority of Alpha Wolves Community live on Twitter. That is why when Twitter makes its newest update, like the Twitter Spaces, we also offer our community this exclusive feature as well. So September becomes the first time Alpha Finance Lab launches Twitter Spaces to vocally talk with our community in a live conversation!
Read our last two Spaces sessions here:
(September 24th)
(September 7th)
September was also the first time Alpha Finance Lab decided to move beyond with our media content. One of the ways we fulfil that is by creating our first podcast, The Alpha Podcast. This will act as a way for podcast listeners in our community to consume our most updated news, and also enjoy interesting discussion on the direction of Alpha Finance Lab is going, upcoming Alpha Products, Alpha Launchpad projects, potential partners, usages and even key discussions happening in the Alpha community. Moreover, Active Alpha Wolves or active community members can also be invited to join the podcast as guests too. We also published the first episode: Discussing the Expanding Alpha Ecosystem Beyond DeFi and Entering the Realm of Metaverse.
That’s it for this monthly newsletter, feel free to follow us on Twitter and join our Telegram / Discord for more updates and information!
Until next time Alpha Wolves!🐺
About Alpha Finance Lab
Alpha Finance Lab is a DeFi Lab, and on a mission to build